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Quote from Tim in Jill's Birthday

Eugene: Well, actually, it's for my wife. See, she wants a little more space in the living room.
Tim: Did she tell you that, or did you have to guess?
Eugene: Oh, no. She tells me what she wants.
Tim: Does she?
Eugene: We call her Pink. Pink and Ink, see? I've got a picture of Pink standing right in front of the house.
Tim: Let's take a look at that house.
Eugene: Actually, it's a little hard to see the house. She's a... a lotta woman.
Tim: Yeah, a whole lotta woman.
Well, we'll see you there Friday, Ink. It'll be good to get started on your house...
Eugene: Hey, Al! Here's something you don't see every day. This is Pink last summer on the old Slip 'N Slide. Boy, she went like a rocket. Now, no one was hurt in this. Those kids lying there were just, uh, stunned.

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