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Quote from Tim in Adventures in Fine Dining

Tim: You guys gotta help me out. You gotta help me out. Let's take care of this. If we don't do this right, I'm gonna spend the next year at the opera. [Brad and Randy scream] All right, focus, focus, focus. Eating is not just a necessity, it's a job. And like any job, you need the proper tools. These are the tools of the trade: fork, knife, weaker sister, the spoon. Help me, help me, help me. Almost useless, crude instruments by themselves. But together, they form the mealtime triad of power. [grunts] [the boys grunt]
Jill: Tim, I hate to interrupt this gruntfest. But dinner is less than two hours away.
Tim: Thanks for reminding me, pookie.
Jill: You're welcome.

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