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Quote from Tim in Love's Labor Lost (Part 1)

Wilson: Tim?
Tim: Hey, Wilson. What are you doing here? What are you doing coming out of there?
Wilson: Well, I was delivering a baby. I got a call from the hospital this morning. They were short of midwife.
Tim: Kind of a midwife crisis, huh?
Wilson: I'm between births right now, so I wanted to come out and see if you had found out how Jill was doing.
Tim: There's no word. I mean, the doctor said this procedure was an hour and a half. We're going into two hours and 47 minutes now.
Wilson: Well, I wouldn't be alarmed. Surgeries are often delayed.
Tim: I hope that's it. You suppose I could borrow that getup? Maybe I'll sneak in there and see what's going on.
Wilson: I think the hospital would frown on that, Tim.

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