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Quote from Tim in Al's Fair Lady

Tim: You've worked really hard your whole life, right?
Al: Yes.
Tim: And what do you have to show for it? Nothing! Now, you have a woman who appreciates the real Al Borland. The competent, trustworthy, nice, wonderful human being. It's you, Al. You deserve it. Enjoy this.
Al: I suppose you're right.
Tim: Yes.
Al: I should just hold my head up high.
Tim: Hold your head up real high.
Al: Yeah! And put the pedal to the metal!
Tim: Pedal to the metal!
Al: And enjoy the ride that is my life!
Tim: Ride that is your life!
Al: Yeah!
Tim: Here are the keys!
Al: Here are the keys!
Tim: There they go!
Al: There they go.

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