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Quote from Tim in Tool-Thousand-One: A Space Odyssey

Tim: Listen, this is serious. NASA picked a Binford tool to go on the next mission. They need a payload specialist to operate it...
Jill: And they chose you?
Tim: Well, not yet. I'd have to go to Houston, take some physical and psychological exams. And should I beat out my competition, I train for six months and [whistles] get to go up there.
Jill: Is this for real?
Tim: This is for real.
Jill: What- What about the actual mission? How long do you have to be in space?
Tim: Five days, six if we get to blow up an asteroid or something cool like that.
Jill: Binford's OK with this?
Tim: They love this. It's a promotion for the tools. They think it's a great idea.
Jill: Tim, I don't know. This whole thing sounds kind of scary.
Tim: Well, um, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think they'd let me drive anything or...

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