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Quote from Jill in Quest for Fire

Jill: Tim, wait, hold on. I want to say something to you.
Tim: OK, go ahead. Give it to me.
Jill: Uh,. you know your whole dream about moving up here? I shouldn't have dismissed it out of hand.
Tim: So, you don't think it's such a bad idea?
Jill: Yeah, I do. But you don't, and I should respect that. I mean, you obviously want to make some pretty big changes in your life.
Tim: I feel like wiping the slate clean and starting over.
Jill: Does this have anything to do with us?
Tim: Oh, come on. No, not at all. I just need new challenges.
Jill: Well, there's nothing wrong with new challenges. You have to trash what's working?

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