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Quote from Tim in No Place Like Home

Lucille: You know, I never realized that leaving this house would be so tough on you.
Tim: Neither did l. I'm just surprised how well you're doing.
Lucille: [laughs] How well I'm doing?
Tim: Yeah.
Lucille: Oh, honey, if you realized how many years I've spent thinking about this day and crying about it a lot.
Tim: I'm sorry. You know, I don't mean to make you feel bad about this.
Lucille: Tim, I just love this house.
Tim: Yeah.
Lucille: Everywhere I look there's just a wonderful memory. You know, I'll never forget all the Christmases we've had here. The whole family gathered around the table and the fire burning in the fireplace.
Tim: The turkey burning in the oven.

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