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Quote from Tim in That's My Momma

Lucille: Well, I tried to talk to you earlier, and you didn't seem very interested.
Tim: I was interested.
Lucille: You didn't act that way. I told you I had a problem with my knee, and you made a big joke about it. Then I told you I was lonely in the house, and you started to imitate a parrot.
Tim: You used to like my imitations. Remember that monkey? Ooh-ooh-ooh.
Lucille: You're doing it again, Tim.
Tim: What am I doing again?
Lucille: When I try to tell you what's really going on with me, you don't wanna listen to me.
Tim: I wanna listen to you.
Lucille: You do the same thing every Sunday. I call, I try to have a real conversation and all you ever ask me is: "How's the Buick?"
Tim: I... We talk about other stuff. Are you having a problem with the Buick?
Lucille: Tim, there's a sign over your head that says, "Not getting it." Good night.
Tim: Good night. [looks up for the sign]

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