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Quote from Tim in Jill's Surprise Party

Jill: Hi, Wilson.
Tim: Jill?
Jill: Tim? What are you doing over there?
Tim: Uh... Wilson called me at work and said he's going out of town, so why don't I check to see if his doors are locked. I thought you were at the library.
Jill: I was. I got home a couple hours ago. I've been looking through these photo albums my mom gave me for my birthday.
Tim: Uh-huh. [Wilson whistles] Hit the deck! [whispers to Wilson] Jill's over there. Hold these.
Jill: Look. That's me at age eight playing our old family piano.
Tim: You look mighty cute playing that old piece of junk.
Jill: It wasn't a piece of junk. That was an antique. Uh-huh. Look how happy I am sitting there practicing chopsticks.
Tim: You must have been good to be able to eat Chinese food and play the piano at the same time.

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