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Quote from Wilson in Her Cheatin' Mind

Tim: Wilson, what are you doin' up?
Wilson: Well, Tim, I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come out and squeeze my apples.
Tim: It's none of my business, but shouldn't you be doin' that in private?
Wilson: No. No, no, no, no, no. Tim, I'm squeezing my apples to see if they're ready to make cider.
Tim: Oh!
Wilson: Firm finger indentations on the surface of the fruit tells me that the apple is ripe. Ah! You can tell just by touching.
Tim: Speaking of touching... do you think it's possible for a man and woman to be friends without it turning physical?
Wilson: I most certainly do.
Tim: Gotta respect your opinion. Even though you are outside squeezing your own apples.

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