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Quote from Tim in A Marked Man

Tim: When you or your brothers lie or cheat or steal like this, it makes your mom and I feel we're not doing our jobs right. And part of our job is to make you see the difference between right and wrong.
Mark: I know it's wrong to steal.
Jill: Then why did you take the knife?
Mark: I don't know. I thought... if I had the knife, Brad and Randy would think I'm cool. I'm really sorry I did it.
Tim: We know you're sorry. Coming here showed that. It took a lot of guts, son. Which is why I spoke to the governor and we commuted your sentence to two weeks.
Mark: Thanks.
Tim: Unfortunately, we found you haven't paid your state income tax for the last 11 years.
Mark: Dad, I'm only ten.
Tim: Hey, that's the government for you.

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