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Quote from Tim in A Marked Man

Tim: Welcome back to Tool Time. Our guest today is the 1994 Illinois state champion for husband-calling.
Al: Now, for those of you who don't know what that is, it is a contest to see who can call their spouse the loudest. Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big, warm welcome to Deb Selby.
Tim: Welcome to the show, Deb.
Deb Selby: Thanks, Tim.
Al: Well, can you tell us something about a husband-calling contest?
Deb Selby: A husband-calling contest is like a hog-calling contest, only in this case the hog is your husband.
Tim: OK, let me try to get this straight. Your husband's out in the back 40 in the pole barn, greasing up a chassis on an old tractor. You want to get his attention, what do you do?
Deb Selby: I holler at him like this. [shouts] Steven! Hubba-bubba-bubba-bubba-bubba! Husband, I love you! Steven, get in here right now!
Tim: So how long have you and [shouts] Steven... been married?
Deb Selby: 11 years. That's my husband Steve sitting up in the audience.
Tim: Hey, Steve. You're married 11 years, you still can't tune her out?
Steve: Huh?

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