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Quote from Al in Bachelor of the Year

Tim: Anyway, Ilene, tell us what's going on in the fast-paced world of orthodontia.
Ilene: Oh, it's very exciting. I just got back from a symposium on overbites, and the most interesting thing happened. What are you doing, Al?
Al: Waving.
Ilene: I'm in the middle of a story.
Al: Well, I was just being polite. I feel I have a responsibility to my public.
Ilene: Your public? A few days ago you didn't have a public.
Al: Well, yes, I did. They just didn't know who I was.
Ilene: You know, the way you're acting I'm not sure I know who you are.
Al: Well, I'm still the same old Al Borland. [to a woman passing by] Hey.

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