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Quote from Tim in Brother, Can You Spare a Hot Rod?

Brad: It's a '46 Ford convertible.
Tim: Excuse me. Don't touch it! [grunts] I think it's a '48, son. No, no, no, no! It's got the marker lights there. Yeah, you're right - it's a '46. Ugh. Boy, what a mess.
Brad: Yeah, it's a piece of junk.
Tim: It needs a lot of work.
Brad: Yeah, but isn't it great?
Tim: We could chop and channel this.
Brad: Shave the bumpers.
Tim: Wait a minute. Put a big block in and retro the interior.
Brad: Yeah. You know how much fun this thing would be to work on?
Tim: You know what I like, what excites you about cars is all the work that goes into them.

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