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Quote from Tim in My Dinner with Wilson

Jill: Um, this is really wonderful, you know - friends getting together on the holidays. Friends who would do anything for each other.
Wilson: All righty. Cabernet 1936. All right. Dig in, before that eel gets cold.
Jill: Um, Wilson... What I'm trying to say is that if you ever need anything, you should come to us.
Tim: Do you need cash or are you moving?
Jill: Very subtle, Tim.
Wilson: Well, I assume this has something to do with that appraiser who mistakenly stopped by your house.
Jill: Yes, it does. Now, we'd like to know what's going on with you.
Wilson: Why didn't you just ask me in the first place?
Tim: You know us, we're not the kind of couple that wants to pry.

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