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Quote from Tim in May the Best Man Win

Maureen Binford: All right, everybody, let's get started. I need you to bring that camera right over here, and I want to get a nice shot of the front porch.
Tim: Leave the camera right where it is. We're gonna do this shot with me on the roof.
Maureen Binford: Tim, Tim, Tim, not a good idea.
Tim: Mo, let's get something straight here. This is Tool Time. It's a man's show, dangerous, kind of devil-may-care. We'll do the shot with me up on the roof.
Maureen Binford: OK. The roof is unsafe.
Tim: Now you're an expert on roofs, Maureen?
Maureen Binford: Well, no, not really, but I've been inside, and I do know that those one-by-fours are too far apart.
Tim: [inquisitive grunt]
Maureen Binford: Take a look at that sheathing. There's rot everywhere.
Tim: Maureen, I think I can tell the difference between a safe and an unsafe roof. Al, you following me up here?
Al: I don't think so, Tim.

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