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Quote from Al in Heavy Meddle

Jill: Leslie, are you all right?
Leslie: I don't know if it's the onions or the hormones.
All: Hormones.
Leslie: They say postpartum depression is even worse.
Jill: Well, you know, postpartum can be tough. After you've had that little baby inside of you for nine months... it can be hard to let go.
Al: Yes, it can. Well, not that I know what postpartum depression is. But I do know what it feels like to have someone be a part of you, and suddenly be separated from them.
Karen: I know exactly what you mean, Al. I just got out of one of those relationships.
Al: Really?
Karen: Yeah.
Wanda: Love hurts. And in Hank's case, it sweats, too.

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