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Quote from Al in Nothing More Than Feelings

Al: I was thinking about what you said the other day. About how I wouldn't understand what you were talking about until I was married.
Tim: So?
Al: Made me feel like I was desperate. Like I would never be able to find someone who'd marry me.
Tim: I didn't... That's not... I didn't... That's not what I meant.
Al: Well, I just wanted you to know that it really hurt me.
Tim: Hey, hey, hey. Al just shared a feeling. That's... That's... Yeah, that's all. Why don't we get to that circular saw now? That's what we ought to do.
Al: I mean, well, you have a wife and a family. You have no idea what it's like coming home to an empty one-bedroom apartment every night.
Tim: Al, you've got a great-looking apartment. I've been there, it's nice.
Al: Well, I just... I just think you wouldn't kid me so much if you knew well, just how very, very lonely I am. [sobs]
Kyle: I'm going back to my seat.
Jim: No kidding.
Tim: Al, hey, buddy...

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