Lorelai Quote #1862

Quote from Lorelai in Women of Questionable Morals

Lorelai: I wasn't going to stay that long. I don't know if he even has many friends any more. All of his old buddies are scattered all around, you know? And his support group is two and heavily into Sesame Street.
Rory: What time did you finally get home?
Lorelai: Sun high, birds sing, head hurts.


 ‘Women of Questionable Morals’ Quotes

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [exhales] Oh, yeah. I smell snow.
Luke: What?
Lorelai: It's coming. I always know. I can smell it, and I'm never wrong.
Luke: It wasn't in the forecast.
Lorelai: It's just my favorite time of the year. The whole world changes color.
Luke: I think I'm blacking out.
Lorelai: Flakes, flurries, swirls, crystals, whatever form it comes in. I'll take it. We go back, snow and me. We have a beautiful history.
Luke: Saw two forecasts, there was no mention of snow. Cold, but no snow.
Lorelai: Sleigh rides, ice skating, snowball fights. I'll even take curling. God, I love curling!
Luke: Lance Cranston on Channel 6 said it would be dry. Kimmy Liston, Live at 5, same thing. No snow, nothing.
Lorelai: Hot cocoa, hot toddies. Best time of the year!
Luke: Jimmy Mountain in Accu-Chopper One said it would be weeks before... [it snows] Lance and Kimmy are idiots.

Quote from Michel

Lorelai: Oh, I'm desperate for those mats.
Michel: I had been working on the mats but you asked me to shovel the snow. And now I have a blister, a muscle spasm and a neck crick and I have a date tonight, and a crick will cramp my kissing move.
Lorelai: Well, I appreciate your effort.
Michel: Are you being sarcastic?
Lorelai: Just a tiny bit.
Michel: You know that I am light-boned and cannot take physical exertion. I work with my mind.

Quote from Lorelai

Sookie: And we're almost completely out of coffee.
Lorelai: Oh, well. So, make some more.
Sookie: I mean out, out. There's no more on the premises.
Lorelai: You're kidding.
Sookie: I wish I was.
Lorelai: But there's mounds of it stacked in the walk-in. Heroin-sniffing dogs get all excited and confused when they go in there.
Sookie: Why do they get all excited and confused?
Lorelai: Because you smuggle heroin in coffee.
Sookie: No, I don't!
Lorelai: It was in Beverly Hills Cop, remember? The heroin in the coffee?