Emily Quote #350

Quote from Emily in Written in the Stars

Emily: I smelled something funny earlier in the northeast corner of the kitchen.
Madonna Louise: I sprayed for ants this afternoon.
Emily: Oh, Madonna Louise, I told you never spray that poison all over the place. You simply have to kill the scout ants so they don't go back and tell the rest of them where the food is.
Madonna Louise: I know Mrs. Gilmore.
Emily: You kill the scouts, or you use the chalk that we bought in Chinatown last month.
Madonna Louise: Okay, Mrs. Gilmore.


 ‘Written in the Stars’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Paris: [on the phone] Asher's dead.
Rory: What?
Paris: He died two weeks ago in Oxford.
Rory: Oh. Paris, I'm sorry. How?
Paris: Heart attack. It was quick.
Rory: Heart attack?
Paris: Yes.
Rory: Um... It wasn't during, um... was it?
Paris: No, Rory. This great man was not brought down by my vagina, okay?

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: This is crazy.
Lorelai: Well, it depends on your definition of "crazy." I, for one, found the Mariah Carey phone messages to her fans just refreshingly imaginative.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Crazy.
Lorelai: You said it, Patsy Cline.