Emily Quote #160

Quote from Emily in There's the Rub

Emily: Your hands are amazing. Compliment your masseur's hands, Lorelai.
Lorelai: [quietly] Oh, my God.
Emily: Excuse me?
Lorelai: Nothing.
Emily: You were muttering under your breath. Years of experience have taught me that when you do that it's usually about me.
Lorelai: [sighs] Mom, you signed us up for a couple's massage.
Emily: So?
Lorelai: A couple's massage is for a couple, not a couple of people.
Emily: It's more efficient this way. We finish at the same time.
Lorelai: Mom, do you know what most people who get these massages do about five minutes after it's over? They have sex, together, probably while wearing their robes.


 ‘There's the Rub’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Paris: Well, it's true. The Beats' writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac: Edit.
Jess: It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people stirring things up.
Paris: They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime.
Rory: Well, then, you could say they expose you to a world you wouldn't have otherwise known. Isn't it what great writing's about?
Paris: That wasn't great writing. It was the National Enquirer of the '50s.
Jess: You're cracked.
Paris: Typical guy response. Worship Kerouac and Bukowski. God forbid you pick up anything by Jane Austen.

Quote from Rory

Dean: Since your mother's going to be gone, maybe I'd come over.
Rory: What? I was thinking of pulling kind of a hermit thing tonight.
Dean: Why?
Rory: I don't know. J.D. Salinger seems to dig it.
Dean: You don't want me to come over?
Rory: No, I just... I almost never get the house all to myself, and I thought with my mom gone I can finally do my laundry exactly the way I like it. You know, not separating into whites and colors, but the colors separated into darks, mediums, and lights. With a separate pile for white T-shirts and T-shirts with some kind of writing on them like "Rock Star", "Evil", or "Kafka Was Here".
Dean: You want to be alone to do laundry?
Rory: And watch TV, and eat the Indian food I love but my mom hates the smell of, and go to bed early, and...

Quote from Emily

Emily: You've been pouting and sulking and sighing-
Lorelai: I have not been sighing.
Emily: ...rolling your eyes, mumbling.
Lorelai: Well, that's how I detox.
Emily: Ever since we got here, you've made it your mission to be as miserable as possible.
Lorelai: That's not true.
Emily: It's completely true. And if you don't care about hurting my feelings, maybe you care that you're wasting all your relaxing time acting like a petulant 4-year-old.
Lorelai: I'm sorry.
Emily: Do you want me to try to get myself another room?
Lorelai: No.
Emily: I saw a supply closet down the hall. Maybe my masseur could finish me in there.
Lorelai: Okay, Mom.
Emily: Or perhaps I could roll myself against a stucco wall eliminate the need for a masseur altogether.