Lorelai Quote #744

Quote from Lorelai in A-Tisket, A-Tasket

Rory: You know, you never liked Dean at the beginning.
Lorelai: That's because I didn't know him.
Rory: And now you don't like Jess?
Lorelai: That's because I know him.


 ‘A-Tisket, A-Tasket’ Quotes

Quote from Lane

Mrs. Kim: This is exactly why I make these rules. You're too young, too vulnerable. American boys have different values. They don't understand respect. You get hurt. I do all of this so you don't get hurt, and now you are hurt. I don't like this at all. Who is he? This boy who hurt you?
Lane: Henry Cho.
Mrs. Kim: Cho? Cho sounds Korean.
Lane: It is Korean.
Mrs. Kim: He was Korean?
Lane: Yes, and he was smart and wonderful and cute...
Mrs. Kim: And you're sure he was Korean?
Lane: He's gonna be a doctor. He goes to church. He's a counselor at Bible camp. And he liked me.
Mrs. Kim: A doctor!
Lane: I'm so stupid. I should have just told you and I didn't. Now he's gone, and I'm just stupid.
Mrs. Kim: Maybe I can call his mother.
Lane: I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Mrs. Kim: You're sure he was Korean?

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: You'd much rather be sitting out here than inside working.
Luke: Diner's probably on fire by now.
Lorelai: You are stubborn.
Luke: I'm stubborn?
Lorelai: Yeah, you're stubborn.
Luke: From Miss Flexibility over here?
Lorelai: Hey, I can be flexible.
Luke: Please.
Lorelai: As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: So I've decided I'm saving myself for William Holden.
Rory: Hey, it's nice out here in left field.
Sookie: I'm sorry, Sunset Boulevard was on last night and I don't know... I've known him for years, Sabrina, Stalag 17... yet, last night, something snapped.
Rory: I'll say.
Lorelai: It was the monkey scene.
Rory: You know he's dead?
Lorelai: The monkey?
Rory: William Holden.
Lorelai: Every great relationship has its obstacles. You'd know that if you weren't dating Andy Hardy.