Sookie Quote #256

Quote from Sookie in Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number

Sookie: Okay, so, what kind of link sausage would you like to pull out of Luke?
Lorelai: I'm not sure. Nothing too wimpy. Luke's a big guy, so he needs big-guy sausage.
Sookie: Don't we all.
Lorelai: Don't make my man's sausage dirty.
Sookie: Well, you could go kielbasa. That's a big-guy sausage.
Lorelai: I guess. Technically, Luke hasn't agreed to let me pull anything out of him.
Sookie: Small detail.
Lorelai: Minuscule roadblock.
Sookie: Well, personally, I love the Louisiana sweet sausage 'cause it has the nicest flavor. A little bite, but not too overwhelming.
Lorelai: I'm not gonna eat the sausage, I'm going to pull it out of Luke.


 ‘Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number’ Quotes

Quote from Luke

Luke: This might be my least favorite door in the world to knock on.
Lorelai: What about death's door?
Luke: The reception on the other side might be warmer.

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: I can't believe Rory's turning 21. It seems like just yesterday she was crying because you told her Charlotte Bronte couldn't come to her sleepover... because she's dead.

Quote from Paris

Paris: That's right. Paris Geller is the new editor of the Yale Daily News. I was worried about the intimidation factor 'cause people tend to be afraid of me, but I campaigned hard and I really worked the "my parents left me broke" angle, got a little sympathy vote, and the next thing I know, I am the man.
Doyle: My woman is the man.
Paris: I mean, it's so incredible. Last year, I was sleeping with the editor.
Doyle: And this year, I am.
Paris: I can't wait. The changes I'm going to make.
Doyle: Hold on to your hats, people.
Paris: I'm going to crack that whip, raise that bar. The last person that ran the shop was too busy ironing his petticoat to put out a decent paper.
Doyle: That's about to change.
Paris: You know it is.