Luke Quote #260

Quote from Luke in Written in the Stars

Lorelai: You gestured?
Luke: Those jeans are really working for you.
Lorelai: Yeah?
Luke: They're working for me, too.
Lorelai: You're flirting with me.
Luke: Something like that.
Lorelai: Finally. Do it some more.
Luke: Your shoes work well with that shirt.
Lorelai: Gee, Carson, thanks.
Luke: That's all I can do right now. People are watching.
Lorelai: Okay.
Luke: But tonight I will give you my extremely positive views on other aspects of your being.


 ‘Written in the Stars’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Paris: [on the phone] Asher's dead.
Rory: What?
Paris: He died two weeks ago in Oxford.
Rory: Oh. Paris, I'm sorry. How?
Paris: Heart attack. It was quick.
Rory: Heart attack?
Paris: Yes.
Rory: Um... It wasn't during, um... was it?
Paris: No, Rory. This great man was not brought down by my vagina, okay?

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: This is crazy.
Lorelai: Well, it depends on your definition of "crazy." I, for one, found the Mariah Carey phone messages to her fans just refreshingly imaginative.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Crazy.
Lorelai: You said it, Patsy Cline.