Rory Quote #145

Quote from Rory in The Breakup, Part 2

Rory: We just broke up.
Lorelai: I don't understand.
Rory: We went to dinner, and then we walked by the bonfire but it wasn't lit. So we went to this junkyard, and we sat in this car and... Oh, God!
Lorelai: What?
Rory: I forgot your meatball in the car.
Lorelai: Oh, honey, forget it.
Rory: Oh, I can't believe I left your meatball in the car.
Lorelai: Okay, come on.
Rory: After I told the waiter to wrap it up and everything. And everyone was like, "What do you want with one meatball?" And I was like, "It's a mother-daughter thing." I'm sure he thought I was nuts, but he was so nice. And he did it anyway. And he, uh, brought one of those little tinfoil swans or a duck or some kind of bird and then I left it in the car.


 ‘The Breakup, Part 2’ Quotes

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Rory, my heart, it is Saturday, the day of rest.
Rory: Sunday is the day of rest.
Lorelai: No, Saturday is the day of pre-rest.
Rory: Pre-rest?
Lorelai: Yeah, so that way when you actually get to Sunday you're rested enough to enjoy your rest.
Rory: That makes absolutely no sense.
Lorelai: That's because it's 6:00 on Saturday morning.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Honey, he did not plan a romantic evening complete with dinner and a junkyard which we'll get back to later... And then suddenly decide to dump you.
Rory: How do you know?
Lorelai: Because I've read every Nancy Drew mystery. The one about the Amish country twice. I know there's more to the story than what you're telling me.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: Rory, what's the matter?
Rory: Nothing. I just want to get started. I listed all the things we say we're gonna do on weekends but when weekends comes around you say they're too boring to actually do on a weekend day. So then you say we'll do them during the week which, of course, we never do. So... I think that we should get them all out of the way today once and for all. And to make it interesting, we should come up with, like, a reward system. So once we're done with everything on the list, we could go get manicures. Or we could go to that Swiss place for fondue for dinner. Or we could stuff our purses full of Sour Patch Kids and Milk Duds and go see the Stars Hollow elementary school production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf??
Lorelai: It's 6:00.
Rory: I know.
Lorelai: On Saturday morning.
Rory: That's right.
Lorelai: It's 6:00 on Saturday morning!
Rory: Do you want to wear docks or sneakers?
Lorelai: I want to wear slippers.
Rory: Up, please!