Michel Quote #241

Quote from Michel in Farewell, My Pet

Michel: Actually, as long as we're here, I think I'm gonna stop into Luke's.
Lorelai: Really? Why?
Michel: Do you remember last year when that troupe of mimes took over the inn? It was a very stressful time for me, guessing at what they wanted, watching to see what they were pointing at so I knew what to fetch them. When they finally left, I needed a bit of comfort, so I stopped at Luke's and I bought a hamburger.
Lorelai: You didn't.
Michel: I know. It was a moment of insanity. Thank god by the time I got home, I had already calculated that it would take me 55 minutes of medium-intensity interval training on my elliptical machine to work it off. Thought better of the whole thing and dumped the foul thing in the trash.
Lorelai: Well, close call.
Michel: Yeah, extremely. Unfortunately, Chin Chin, being the little rascal that he was, fished it out of the garbage. After all the exotic dog food I lavished on him - homemade biscuits, fresh-ground lamb... It was this burger that he seemed to enjoy the most. And today, I will eat one in his memory.


 ‘Farewell, My Pet’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Paris: What's with the gooney look?
Rory: Huh?
Paris: Your face. It's right out of a Harlequin romance.
Rory: He's just been so great. I mean, he's really been there for me for the past couple days. I had to practically send him away from the hospital yesterday.
Paris: I know. It's amazing. I never thought you guys were gonna last.
Rory: What?
Paris: I'm just being honest. Logan Huntzberger? Between the women and the drinking, that kid was on the Colin Farrell freeway about to pull over into the Robert Downey Jr. rest stop.

Quote from Michel

Michel: Let's discuss the programs.
Lorelai: The programs.
Sookie: You want programs?
Michel: Do you think when the Princess of Wales was interred at Althorp the Spencer family was asked whether or not they wanted programs?
Lorelai: Probably not.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: [on the phone] So, talk to me. How are you feeling?
Lorelai: Oh, good, good. Fine. Medium. You know, rare... medium rare. Rare. More like sashimi.