Michel Quote #201

Quote from Michel in You've Been Gilmored

Michel: I noticed your truck.
Luke: Yeah.
Michel: Your filthy green truck. It's parked in guest parking.
Luke: So?
Michel: So guest parking is for guests. Filthy-green-truck parking is around the back, on the dirt road, behind the shed.


 ‘You've Been Gilmored’ Quotes

Quote from Richard

Richard: You sure he's legit?
Lorelai: Of course it's legit. Come on, Dad.
Richard: Don't be naive. There are schemers about preying on the naive.
Emily: John Kendall.
Richard: John was drinking at a party, met a fellow, switched all of his coverage to the guy, wrote him a huge check on the spot. Then he suffered earthquake damage, and there was no record of the insurance transaction. It was a scam. Now he's working at the gift shop at the Grand Ol' Opry.
Emily: Horrid music.
Richard: Sells cowboy shirts and toy banjos.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Oh, I feel like I should run in there and yell at them about something.
Luke: About what?
Lorelai: I don't know. That's what's stopping me.
Luke: What is this feeling, this tightness in the chest, this anger mixed with paralyzing weakness?
Lorelai: You've been Gilmored.

Quote from Richard

Richard: Better not wait. Small gaps in your insurance coverage can lead to big mistakes. Oh, I could tell you horror stories.
Emily: Brian Hunter.
Richard: Yes. He owned a home for 40 years - huge mansion - never updated his coverage. One night, his trophy bimbo wife got into a drunken snit, lit a curtain on fire with her marijuana cigarette, and burned the place to the ground. He couldn't afford to rebuild. Lost his fortune, lost the bimbo.
Emily: Now he sells sunglasses out of the back of a van in California. Cheap ones.
Richard: Because he didn't update his coverage.