Quote from Miss Patty in Fight Face
Lorelai: I'm just enjoying the animals, Patty. Miss Patty: Honey, this is not right. She can't have a love thing with a dog. Lorelai: She can't? Yes, I can. Go about your business there, Patty. Miss Patty: You must have her name on some blacklist back there, don't you? Woman: We don't have a blacklist. Miss Patty: But this is Lorelai Gilmore. Lorelai: Ignore her. This dog loves me. And the pig the pig loved me. Miss Patty: It looks dead. Lorelai: It's sleeping. They sleep, right? Woman: Actually, that's very unusual for her to be sleeping. Meg, make sure the pig's okay. Lorelai: Yeah, the pig's fine. Miss Patty: You didn't touch it, did you? Lorelai: I did not kill the pig, Patty.