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Quote from Paris in But I'm a Gilmore!

Rory: There's a woman in my room?
Paris: That's Nanny. You know Nanny. That makes me sad that you don't remember Nanny. She always liked you.
Rory: She's stripping my bed. Why is she doing that?
Paris: Well, she finally got Doyle to sleep, and she has to do something. The woman doesn't tire. She's a machine.
Rory: What do you mean, she finally got Doyle to sleep?
Paris: He's here. He's sick, so Nanny's taking care of him.
Rory: Why aren't you doing it?
Paris: Sick people freak me out.
Rory: You're pre-med!
Paris: I'm really tired of having that constantly thrown in my face.

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