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Quote from Lane in To Live and Let Diorama

Lane: Sophie!
Sophie Bloom: Geez, Lane, I don't have time for coffee right now.
Lane: You owe me an explanation. You... woman!
Sophie Bloom: What are you talking about?
Lane: You know what I'm talking about. I look to you as a role model. Well, not anymore, except as a role model for heartbreak. I know what you can offer him. You're bohemian, and experienced, familiar with the world of sensual pleasure, champagne, Times Square. I bet you've even smoked a cigarette or two.
Sophie Bloom: Oh my God, your breath would stop an elephant.
Lane: You've not only been to New York, but you've lived there. You know where the best bagels are and you've been with men. But you don't know him like I know him. It's cheap thrills for you, sister! But I know what cleaning products he likes. Do you?
Sophie Bloom: I'm not sure how to answer that.
Lane: It had to have been a moment of weakness, because he doesn't like you, he likes me.
Sophie Bloom: Who?
Lane: Zach!

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