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Quote from Emily in Pulp Friction

Emily: It doesn't make any sense at all. I went down there. I arranged the whole thing. She got her filthy diner owner back. What is the problem?
Richard: I don't know. Lorelai is as much of a mystery to me as she is to you.
Emily: I made a whole goose for three people. Wasteful.
Richard: Do you think it's possible that they didn't get back together?
Emily: What?
Richard: Perhaps it didn't happen. Maybe he didn't understand what you were telling him to do.
Emily: How could he not understand? I spelled it out for him, step by step. I spoke clearly and slowly. There is no way he didn't understand what I was telling him to do.
Richard: All right. Then perhaps he understood, but he simply didn't do it? He's not the most take-charge sort of fellow, you know. He never did follow through on my advice to franchise his diner.
Emily: Oh, my God, you're right. He didn't do it. He didn't go to her like I specifically told him to.
Richard: So it would seem.
Emily: What an imbecile that man is.

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