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Quote from Kirk in Pulp Friction

Luke: Kirk, stop! This is ridiculous. You're a grown man. You have got to change your living situation.
Kirk: My mother won't move out. I've asked.
Luke: I'm not talking about your mother. I'm talking about you.
Kirk: Me?
Luke: Yes, you. Get a life. Get some independence. Get out of there.
Kirk: But-
Luke: You want to have a real relationship with Lulu?
Kirk: Yes.
Luke: Then grow up. Be a man.
Kirk: I'm not sure I understand what you're saying to me.
Luke: Well, Kirk, I have given you the Lincoln logs, and you have to build the cabin. Lock the door behind you.
Kirk: You're not talking about a real cabin, are you? 'Cause if a new entrance is going to cost forty grand, then a cabin has got to be more.
Luke: Good night, Kirk!

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