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Quote from Luke in You Jump, I Jump, Jack

Luke: [on the phone] Oh, and I sort of implied that I'm fond of the Greeks, so I have to read the Iliad and the Odyssey so we can chat about it, and can we not hang out with your parents for a very long time?
Lorelai: For a very long time.
Luke: I mean, I don't hate them.
Lorelai: Leave the driving range at once.
Luke: I don't think I can drive.
Lorelai: Honey, have some coffee and then come home.
Luke: The Diebenkorn guy is still in there.
Lorelai: You stay away from the Diebenkorn guy.
Luke: He's chatting with my rare coin guy. Just do not go back in the clubhouse. Go straight to your car.

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