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Quote from Sookie in Normal Mailer, I'm Pregnant

Sookie: So, how are we doing over here?
Norman Mailer: We're fine.
Sookie: Hey, you know what goes great with iced tea? Pork tenderloin!
Josh Davies: Maybe later, thanks.
Sookie: We have a great menu here. I'm holding a couple as we speak.
Norman Mailer: We're fine, thank you.
Sookie: Okay. Hey, I don't know if the waiter told you, but today is Wednesday. And on Wednesday at the Dragonfly, we play a little something I like to call "Stump the chef"! Which is me. And the way we play is that you name any dish in the world and I will make it for you, and if I don't know what it is, then you get your lunch completely free!
Norman Mailer: What the devil is she talking about?
Josh Davies: Actually, you know what, could we have some lemon for the iced tea?
Sookie: Lemon? Oh, sure. One plate of lemon coming up. If you change your mind, I'll be in the kitchen. You know, with the food.

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