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Quote from Michel in The Reigning Lorelai

Lorelai: Michel, come on, we've got to get into these budgets.
Sookie: Now.
Michel: Does the red light mean it's programmed?
Sookie: I explained it a hundred times.
Lorelai: Michel, you've been setting that machine for 20 minutes now.
Sookie: The man can't live without his dog show.
Michel: Ugh, I could just kill my cable provider. "No Westminster dog show, but please enjoy Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 24 hours a day." Ah, there, it's recording.
Lorelai: Well, get over here.
Michel: I just want to see the Chows. Look at that one strut. You know you're a pretty girl, don't you? Yes, with those "I need some loving" eyes.

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