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Quote from Lorelai in Scene in a Mall

Lorelai: Man, I love e-mail. Every day Rory and I write each other multiple times. It's great.
Luke: You enjoy typing to people more than talking to them?
Lorelai: Wrong perspective. E-mail is a return to the romantic days of letter writing. It's pure Dickens.
Luke: Why Dickens?
Lorelai: It's just when I picture letter writing, I picture Charles Dickens.
Luke: Charles Dickens wrote more letters than other people?
Lorelai: No, it's just I can easily picture him in his study with his dog and his pipe and his fancy feathered pen, writing "Cheerio, old bean. Have a cup of tea. How's Big Ben? How's the Tower of London? Sister Suffragette? Tuppence a bag."
Luke: Sounds like an idiot.

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