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Quote from Paris in The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles

Paris: [on the phone] I need to talk to you about Rory.
Lorelai: Paris?
Paris: She's not adjusting well. I'm actually concerned about her.
Lorelai: Well, that's very-
Paris: The socialization process in college is vitally important. The connections we make here can last a lifetime. They can alter the course of our future. That's how important they are.
Lorelai: Okay.
Paris: Now I'm sure it's tempting to emotionally stunt your daughter so she'll move back home and take care of you in your old age, but I thought you wanted better for her.
Lorelai: Hey, Paris, did something happen between you and Rory?
Paris: She won't open the door for the party. There's a party on our floor, and if you open your door, you get to be apart of it, but she won't open the door because she's busy being Heidi's grandfather, and if you were a real mother...

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