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Quote from Kirk in Ballrooms and Biscotti

Lorelai: Hey, I'm looking for a good daytime cream and a good nighttime cream.
Kirk: For you?
Lorelai: No, for Rory.
Kirk: Is she sensitive, prone to breakouts if the cream is too heavy?
Lorelai: Yeah.
Kirk: I thought so. Okay, first of all, I would stay far away from that one. Much too rich for her. This one is light with a fresh citrus scent and it is completely natural.
Lorelai: We like that.
Kirk: Now, for day, I would recommend something with a sunscreen. Rory has a classic peaches and cream complexion, and it would be a crime if, when she got older, her face started to look like a cowboy.
Lorelai: I couldn't agree more.

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