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Quote from Rory in Ballrooms and Biscotti

Lorelai: [answers phone] Hello?
Rory: She's taken me hostage.
Lorelai: What?
Rory: She's not letting me leave. Dinner lasted an hour. She didn't even put the souffle in the oven until we'd already finished, and now we're watching taped ballroom dancing competitions that date back to the 1800's.
Lorelai: You haven't left yet?
Rory: Are you listening to me? I can't leave. She won't let me leave ever. This is Iran in '79 and you are Jimmy Carter. What do we do?
Lorelai: Well, first we have to lose the Jimmy Carter comparison, and second, I have to come get you.
Lorelai: This is about me and me not showing up, so maybe if I put in an appearance, she'll let you go.
Rory: Okay, but come quickly because she's got a lot of tapes and they rewind really slow.

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