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Quote from Lane in Keg! Max!

Lane: [on the phone] Hello, Mama? Hi, how are you doing tonight?... It's Lane. Yeah, Lane... Nothing's wrong. In fact, I'm feeling pretty good right now. Had a beer and a half, nice cold beer. And I just thought I'd tell you, I'm drumming in a band tonight at a party and we rocked. We were The Clash and Rage Against the Machine and Nirvana combined. And I'm in love with Dave Rygalski. He's my guy, not Young Chui. Young Chui's a ship in the night, Mama. Not even a ship, he's a little tugboat tooting along and I'm not gonna go to the prom with him, nuh-uh, I'm going with Dave, because we rock together, Mama. The charade is over.
Dave: What are you doing?
Lane: What I should've done months ago, Davey.
Dave: That was not your mother. Tell me that wasn't your mother.
Lane: Oh, that was the mother. I am liberated, my friend. [kisses Dave]
Dave: You're drunk.
Lane: No, I'm... Am I?
Dave: We're going on in five minutes. Can you even play?
Lane: Oh, I can hit the sticks on those brums.
Dave: Great, great, but what about the drums?

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