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Quote from Lorelai in The Big One

Lorelai: Mail!
Rory: Mail!
Lorelai: Hurry up! Where are your shoes?
Rory: I'll get 'em later.
Lorelai: No, get 'em now.
Rory: Why?
Lorelai: Why? Because if your Harvard acceptance letter is in that batch of mail and you do not have shoes on, we can't run off immediately and celebrate. All of our happiness will be on hold until you come back inside and put on your shoes. Is that what you want to put a hold on happiness?
Rory: What's the difference if we wait then or we wait now?
Lorelai: Because we are not happy now.
Rory: Right, okay.
Lorelai: No laces, just get 'em on your feet. Let's go!

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