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Quote from Rory in I Solemnly Swear

Rory: You can't set up in the cafeteria. It's a fire hazard.
Paris: It is?
Rory: Yes, it's a fire hazard. You'll have to find another place.
Francie: You're kidding.
Rory: I never kid about fire safety.
Francie: Rory, I actually know the fire codes for the cafeteria, and as long as we don't cram more than three hundred people in there, we can start an opium den and the fire department wouldn't care.
Rory: A, Francie, I think they would care, and B, I'm not talking about numbers. You set up that table, get people thinking about blood, someone smells smoke, and the next thing you know, fifty stampeding teenagers are using your body to lever open a door. I won't allow that.

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