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Quote from Lorelai in Eight O'Clock at the Oasis

Rory: Cardio Salsa?
Lorelai: Yeah, they play the Miami Sound Machine and you dance around, you get a really great workout.
Rory: Why would you buy me this?
Lorelai: Because I'll feel stupid doing in alone.
Rory: Too bad.
Lorelai: Come on.
Rory: No way.
Lorelai: Salsa with me. Pretend I'm Antonio Banderas.
Rory: If you were standing in back of Antonio Banderas, I couldn't pretend that you were Antonio Banderas.
Lorelai: Don't you want your mother to live a long and healthy life?
Rory: Not if I have to do Cardio Salsa.
Lorelai: What?
Rory: Nice knowing you, senora. Adios.
Lorelai: I would salsa for you.
Rory: Well, luckily, you'll never have to.

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