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Quote from Paris in Back in the Saddle Again

Paris: The average teenager spends seven hours a day at school. Seven hours where he or she is busy walking from class to class indoors, outdoors, in all types of weather. At the same time, that same teenager is going through major physical changes within his or her own body. The combo of the action with the environment in addition to the hormonal imbalance can only lead to one thing: Accidents.
Madeline: What are you talking about?
Paris: Monday morning, Muffin wakes up and looks in the mirror. "Oh, no, I have a zit on my face. I'll just look down when I walk so Hunky Football Player won't notice. And, bam, Muffin smacks right into the cafeteria wall. That's got to hurt."
Madeline: Who's Muffin?
Paris: This is why I'm proposing manufacturing something that no teenager should be without. A first-aid kit.
Louise: A first-aid kit? Specially designed to fit in a locker with minimum space disruption. Band-aids, antiseptic, cotton balls, Q- tips, ace bandages, aspirin.

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