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Quote from Rory in Secrets & Loans

Dean: Think fast. Very good.
Rory: You threw a basketball at my head.
Dean: No, I threw a basketball past your head.
Rory: What if I had turned around when you said that?
Dean: Then you might have caught it, completing the 'think fast' equation.
Rory: I don't catch basketballs.
Dean: Duly noted.
Rory: I don't even like basketballs.
Dean: Okay, I'm very sorry.
Rory: In fact, out of all the sporting balls in the world, the basketball is probably my least favorite.
Dean: Rory.
Rory: They're round and hard.
Dean: Rory.
Rory: And they're orange.
Dean: You do realize how insane you sound right now?
Rory: Yes.
Dean: Okay, just checking.

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