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Quote from Dean in Run Away, Little Boy

Rory: I'm really sorry I didn't tell you before, but Tristin-
Dean: Is playing Romeo to your Juliet. Yeah, I heard.
Rory: He wasn't even in our group at first, then no one else wanted him then Paris moved our rehearsal spot to here, and she did it today and I didn't have time to tell you.
Dean: You and Tristin get thrown together a lot at that school.
Rory: It's just a project, that's all. Nothing more.
Dean: You and Tristin playing Romeo and Juliet? Perfect. Really, really amazing.
Rory: I know you hate it.
Dean: Yeah, I really hate it.
Rory: But we do the scene on Sunday, then it's over. And it's back to, "Tristin? Who? I don't know Tristin."
Dean: "You must mean that young boy who got mysteriously strangled by a Doose's Market apron one night."
Rory: I heard about that. Awful. They say drugs were involved.

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