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Quote from Lorelai in Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore?

Lorelai: Can I tell your mom that?
Lane: Okay, if you want, but tell her I am not bending on the shrimp thing.
Lorelai: I got you there. Fried shrimp is one of the best things on the planet.
Lane: A double whammy. Unclean meat fried in unclean oil.
Lorelai: That doesn't sound as good, but look at it this way. For the first year, your kids probably won't be eating solid food anyway, and I don't think they make mashed fried shrimp.
Lane: So?
Lorelai: So, you could tell your mother that your kids will not eat fried shrimp for at least a year, right?
Lane: Well, technically.
Lorelai: "Technically" is good enough for me. You sit tight. I'll be back.

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