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Quote from Michel in I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia

Michel: Tell Lorelai that the Zimmermans in room 4 are not a married couple, as we had thought, but rather a brother and a sister.
Sookie: No, I'm not telling Lorelai that. She's in a hospital.
Michel: Tell her they requested a rollaway bed, and we do not have any rollaway bed left.
Sookie: I am not talking to Lorelai about rollaway beds.
Michel: Tell Lorelai that the Zimmermans are very demanding, and very big, and they need a bed!
Lorelai: [on the phone] Tell Michel that the Murrays are checking out at 3:00 and he can use the rollaway bed from their room.
Sookie: She says you can take the rollaway bed from the Murrays. They're checking out at 3:00.
Michel: Ahh! Very good. Tell her "thank you."
Sookie: He says "thank you" and apologizes for being such a pest.
Michel: Tell her I miss her here very, very much!

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