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Quote from Paris in Super Cool Party People

Rory: [answers phone] Hello?
Paris: Here is the deal. He was bleeding internally when they brought him in, and they were worried about the oxygen levels in his blood, but he's stabilized now, and they're back up to normal, so that's no longer a concern. He was also running a high fever, so they put him on mondo doses of intravenous antibiotics. He has a partially collapsed lung-
Rory: Oh, my God!
Paris: Six broken ribs, a broken ankle, torn cartilage in both knees, and a severe concussion. He had surgery for the lung, and that went well. They did a thoracoscopy, which is a couple of small incisions in the chest. Then they put a tube into the lung to drain the fluid from the poral space so the lung can re-expand. That's way less invasive than a thoracotomy which is a similar operation. But for that one, they have to butterfly you like a shrimp. And that's it.
Rory: So, what does this mean?
Paris: It means he's out of immediate danger. He's young and healthy, and they expect him to make a full recovery.
Rory: Really? Like a full recovery, like he's going to recover fully?
Paris: That's what the doctor told me. He'll need some rehab, he won't be running, dancing, or jumping off a cliff anytime soon, but, yeah, he should be fine. He's a very lucky guy. He could have died. Those guys are idiots.

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