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Quote from Jess in The Real Paul Anka

Jess: So you want the tour?
Luke: Give me a tour.
Jess: All right, well, this is where we work, Truncheon Books. There's usually desks and crap piled up everywhere, but we cleaned up for today. Those are the books that we put out. We publish our zine once a month, except last August, when my partner forgot to pay the printer. We let local artists hang their stuff up without ripping them off on commissions. We do performances over there, and a few of us live upstairs. That you don't want to see. It's a disaster zone.
Luke: This is yours, right?
Jess: Yeah.
Luke: I wanted to get it, but I couldn't find it.
Jess: Yeah, it's not exactly The Da Vinci Code.

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